Maize crop management guidelines

Planting configuration will be 20 cm between plants and 60 cm between rows. This gives a population of 83,000 plants/ha.

All treatments should be planted as early as possible. In the field, always complete planting an entire replicate before moving to plant the next one.

Tillage, land preparation, and seeding:

CA:Single pass seeding + basal fertilizer application using strip tillage with 20-25 cm anchoredT. Aman residue height retention. Because of strip tillage, this treatment should be planted at least a week before the conventional treatment.

Conventional:Three full tillage passes with a power tiller, followed by a single laddering, and then manual seeding by dibbling.

Irrigation application timing and management

CA:5 Maximum irrigations: First at V3, second at V6 after fertilizer is banded, third at V10 after fertilizer is banded, fourth at silking (R2), fifth at grain watery milking stage (R3).          3 Maximum irrigations: First at V6 after fertilizer is banded, second at V10 after fertilizer is banded, third at grain watery milking stage (R3). 4 Maximum irrigations: First at V6 after fertilizer is banded, second at V10, third at silking (R2), fourth at grain watery milking stage (R3).

Conventional:Same as above    

Note: If sufficient rain falls around the time of the scheduled irrigation applications, it may not be necessary to apply irrigation.

Pest management

Pests will be managed as needed following observation of the status of the crop and the presence of pests and/or natural enemies. Pest control should only be administered following consultation and agreement of BARI scientists.

Mungbean crop management guidelines

Seed rate of BARI Mung 6 will be 40 kg/ha equivalent for each plot.

In the field, always complete planting an entire replicate before moving to plant the next one.

Tillage, land preparation, and seeding:

CA:Single pass seeding + using strip tillage with 20-25 cm anchoredT. Aman residue height retention.Because of strip tillage, this treatment should be planted at least a week before the conventional treatment.

Conventional:Two full tillage passes with a power tiller, followed by broadcast seeding, followed by laddering.

Pest management

Pests will be managed as needed following observation of the status of the crop and the presence of pests and/or natural enemies. Pest control should only be administered following consultation and agreement of BARI scientists.

Boro crop management guidelines

Seed rate is 40 kg/ha.

Seedbeds should be established by the November 25 at the latest. 35-40 day old seedlings should be transplanted (3 seedlings per hill at 20 cm by 20 cm spacing giving 25 hills m–2) in the first week of January. In the field, always complete transplanting an entire replicate before moving to plant the next one.

Tillage, land preparation, and seeding.

CA:Unpuddled transplanting with 20-25 cm anchored T. Aman residue height retention.

Conventional:Two full tillage passes with a power tiller, followed by hand broadcasting of seed, followed by a last pass by the power tiller and then laddering.

Irrigation application timing and management

CA:Irrigation by alternate wetting and drying. Install 1 pani pipe (40 cm long, up to -20 cm depth) into the plot. Measure daily the water level in the pani pipe. When the water depth is deeper than -15 cm in any of the 4 replications, reapply water to a flood depth of 7-15 cm depending on the stage and height of the rice crop. Drain the field 2 weeks before harvest. Irrigation by alternate wetting and drying. Install 1 pani pipe (40 cm long, up to -20 cm depth) into the plot. Measure daily the water level in the pani pipe. When the water depth is deeper than -15 cm in any of the 4 replications, reapply water to a flood depth of 7-15 cm depending on the stage and height of the rice crop. Drain the field 2 weeks before harvest. Irrigation by alternate wetting and drying. Install 1 pani pipe (40 cm long, up to -20 cm depth) into the plot. Measure daily the water level in the pani pipe. When the water depth is deeper than -15 cm in any of the 4 replications, reapply water to a flood depth of 7-15 cm depending on the stage and height of the rice crop. Drain the field 2 weeks before harvest.

Conventional:Full flood irrigation of at least 7-15 cm depth for the entire season. Irrigation should be reapplied as often as needed to maintain these levels. Drain the field 2 weeks before harvest. Full flood irrigation of at least 7-15 cm depth for the entire season. Irrigation should be reapplied as often as needed to maintain these levels. Drain the field 2 weeks before harvest.                Full flood irrigation of at least 7-15 cm depth for the entire season. Irrigation should be reapplied as often as needed to maintain these levels. Drain the field 2 weeks before harvest.

Note: If sufficient rain falls around the time of the scheduled irrigation applications, it may not be necessary to apply irrigation.

Pest management

Pests will be managed as needed following observation of the status of the crop and the presence of pests and/or natural enemies. Pest control should only be administered following consultation and agreement of BARI scientists.

Aman crop management guidelines

Seed rate is 40 kg/ha.

21 day old seedlings should be transplanted (3 seedlings per hill at 20 cm by 20 cm spacing giving 25 hills m–2) in the first week of January. In the field, always complete transplanting an entire replicate before moving to plant the next one.

Tillage, land preparation, and seeding.

CA:Unpuddled transplanting with 20-25 cm anchoredT. Aman residue height retention. Because of not puddling, this treatment should be planted at least a week before the conventional treatment.

Conventional:4-5 passes with a power tiller until soil is fully puddled, followed by laddering before transplanting.

Pest management

Pests will be managed as needed following observation of the status of the crop and the presence of pests and/or natural enemies. Pest control should only be administered following consultation and agreement of BARI scientists.
